Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Central Jamur Farm was established in June 2011 with first harvesting on July 17, 2011. Our farm is located in Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia (161KM eastern Jakarta).

Subang district has rice field about 84,000 Ha (2009 year). It is produced about 504,000,000KG of paddy straw. If we make simulation then with minimum mushroom's production yield 15% it could be convert to 75,600,000KG of fresh paddy straw mushroom or value to be 133 millions US dollar. It is much higher comparing with paddy's production output which only 1.120,000KG in 2009 year or value 52 millions US Dollar.

Currently we are developing production process only and buying the spawn from expert spawn cultivator in Karawang. Besides production, we provide mushroom related advices i.e. build the mushroom house to cultivation. If you would like to grow your own mushroom as part of your daily activities and harvest for your own consumption or distribution, we would be happy to serve you.

With available a lot of raw material (i.e. paddy straw, catton waste and rice bran), suitable environment temperature, fair labor cost, and daily shortage of fresh mushroom (rare to find), we are eager to expand the mushroom farm into industrial. Thus, we accept the worldwide partner to develop the mushroom business in Indonesia.


  1. Hi i am interested in starting mushroom cultivation in Berastagi. Do you think the location is good for mushroom cultivation. Also please provide cost related details for building mushroom cultivation rooms with locally available material and the fees you would charge for the project of 1000 kg production per day.

  2. Dear Sirs

    Perusahaan kami "Fellow of Champignons" dari Ukraina, menempati posisi penting
    tempatkan di pasar Ukraina kami dalam perdagangan tanah casing untuk budidaya jamur.
    Tanah selubung terbuat dari gambut alami.
    Kami mengirimkan tanah casing kami kepada Pelanggan dalam Tas Besar atau tas
    polietilen di atas palet kayu, dalam wadah standar 40 kaki. Kami juga menarik untuk
    membangun hubungan bisnis dengan perusahaan yang dapat menjadi perwakilan
    kami di negara Anda. Tolong beri tahu kami jika perusahaan Anda adalah tertarik
    dengan kerjasama semacam itu Jika tidak, di mana mungkin untuk menemukan
    alamat perusahaan yang berurusan dengan budidaya jamur kancing putih / champignons.
    Terima kasih.

    Our company "Fellow of Champignons" from Ukraine, occupies an important
    place at our Ukrainian market in the trading of casing soil for cultivation of mushrooms.
    Casing soil is made from the natural peat.
    We deliver our casing soil to Customers in Big Bags or polyethylene bags on wooden pallets,
    in standard 40 ft containers.We also interesting to build business relations with company which
    can be our representative in your country.Please, let us know if your company is interested in
    such cooperation.If not, where is possible to find addresses of companies dealing with growing
    of white button mushrooms / champignons.
    Thank you.
    Best regards
    Andrii Purii
    Private enterprise "Fellow of Champignons"
    +380988308451 WhatsApp
